A month of homemaking

She looketh well to the ways of her household,

and eateth not the bread of idleness

Proverbs 31:27.

I had detailed plans for my September challenge. Originally, my plan was to focus on eating fresh fruits and/or vegetables at every single meal. I thought that would be a great addition to our attempts at a healthy diet. However, hubby and I are still sleeping on an air mattress. We order a bed on Friday afternoon but that will use up the entirety of our account. It’s just not good timing for an additional grocery expense.

Instead, at the very last minute, I decided that I’m going to spend September focused on my job – that of being a fulltime homemaker. It seems these days I do anything but my job at home. I mentor a Bible reading program, write blog posts and read others’ blogs, knit, and study Japanese. All of these are good things but they are not the most important thing in my life. Outside of my relationship with God, my relationship with my husband is the most important thing and that includes my duties as his wife.

This week, my focus is on finding a loose schedule. Attempts at strict scheduling while still in Arizona failed miserably because my husband works from home. He works very long hours but is not on a strict schedule. Sometimes he takes breaks during the day. Sometimes he works all evening. And sometimes he works through the night. All of this, since he was working in our living room, made it difficult for me to develop and keep a homemaking schedule. A good portion of his job is phone support and conference calls and that requires me to be absolutely quiet.

Right now, my husband is working out of our dining room. That is the same situation as in Arizona but it seems he is on the phone less. Eventually, he will be setting up an office downstairs in our spare bedroom but has to wait until we can afford to purchas office furniture. For the time being, a loose schedule is the best I can do.

For the past few days, I have shut my laptop and not allowed myself to use it until after 10AM. This gives me several hours to read my Bible, eat breakfast, and complete various housekeeping chores. Getting on the computer first thing in the morning is a difficult habit to break, but a necessary one. I can waste hours on the computer being “productive” by responding to emails, reading blog posts, finding new recipes, browsing knitting patterns, etc. Again, these are all positive things but they need to be limited.

I will spend the rest of the week coming up with a loose schedule and a list of housework that needs to be done each day, each week, and each month. I have bookmarked several websites that discuss homemaking binders and will report back at the end of the week!

Pizza Gardening – Day 5

I have sprouts!! I literally squealed when I checked the bags this afternoon. They are barely visible, especially in the photos, but there is just a tiny bit of green in each of the bags.

My oregano is growing the fastest. There are tons of tiny green sprouts poking out of the dirt.


The basil is growing slower but is showing definite signs of progress.


And my tomato has one tiny white-ish shoot. Just a tiny little thing. So cute!!


I know it’s early, but I have visions of a really yummy pizza coming out of the oven.

My first attempts at gardening

Until now, I’ve never recevied a housewarming gift. What a wonderful surprise! My brother and his sweet wife sent us a wonderful gift, one that we were very excited to receive.

Pizza in a bag!

The bag on the left is basil, followed by cherry tomatoes in the center, and oregano on the right. When these sprout, I can make homemade pizza with herbs and tomatoes grown on my own counter.

I can’t believe that a tomato plant grows from just these tiny seeds!

The instructions state that the bags are to be covered in plastic wrap. I don’t have any plastic wrap so I had to improvise; I cut up a produce bag and used that instead!

In 7-10 days, I should see the beginnings of life. I am very excited about container and patio gardening and these bags represent the first tiny sprouts of that new venture. Our very own home grown produce. I can’t wait!

When we packed the car right before the move, everything that didn’t fit was left in Arizona. Right before we left, we had too many items left in the kitchen and not enough space in the trunk. Trying to make quick decisions so that we could hit the road, I just starting throwing things into a box for the donation bin.

Once we arrived in Seattle and moved into our townhouse, I realized just how much I wasn’t able to brinig with me. Now I realize just how thankful I am for kitchen basics!

Our recent Bed, Bath, and Beyond haul

Now I have two pots, a frying pan, two plates, five glasses, two forks, two spoons, three Cutco knives, a pizza pan, a rolling pin, wooden spoons, and some measuring spoons/cups. Even with so little, I can cook so much more. I still don’t have much but I am grateful for the blessings of a barebones kitchen!

Sixty diamond minutes

Lost, between sunrise and sunset,
One golden hour, set with sixty diamond minutes.
No reward is offered, for it is gone forever.

Little Town on the Prairie,
a rephrase of a Horace Mann quote

I read the above quote this morning and it’s been on my mind all day. Time really is valuable and we’re each gifted with the same amount. It’s how we use that time that matters.

Am I using my time wisely? Thoughts to ponder.

2012 Resolutions – Homemaking

This is my last post about resolutions/goals for 2012. Looking over last year’s goals, I realized I didn’t have any that specifically related to homemaking. I find that hilarious as homemaking is my full time job!

This year’s goals

  • Continuously improve my relationship with my husband
    • Date Night – Implement a monthly date night.

    • Have fun working through The Love Dare. I’ve heard great things about this book!

    • Read Love and Respect again, taking time to implement some of the counsel. When I read this book the first time, I was amazed at the amount of truth it contained and realized that I definitely need to respect my husband more.

  • Recipe book – I’ve already started one, but it’s gotten out of control. I think I have 20 loose recipes in the front that haven’t been put in protector pages yet. I need to take everything out of the binder, figure out what we actually like, and reorganize the entire thing. Eventually, I also want to type all of the recipes out in OneNote and print them again. Right now I have recipes cut out from magazines, printed from the internet, and copied from cookbooks. It’s a mess!

  • Daily schedule – This is the bane of my existence. I thrive on schedules, plans, and lists. However, my dear hubby works from home most of the time and his work center is set up in our living room. It is nearly impossible for me to stick to a schedule when he makes frequent calls to clients and coworkers. I won’t complain because I love him being home! But maybe we need to discuss moving his “office” to our spare bedroom so that I can be more productive without worrying about interrupting his work.

  • My blog – It needs a major overhaul. I have a new domain set up but I wanted to set up a new blogging template before announcing the change and redirecting the site. Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about blogging templates! I will embrace the challenge and try to come up with something new.

  • Finances
    • Pay off our last two credit cards. We paid off one last night and only have two more to go. If no emergencies arise, we will be done paying off credit cards by the end of February!

    • Save up six months of living expenses as a full emergency fund. Right now we have a baby emergency fund but it needs beefed up.

    • Start paying off our massive student loan debt. This goal will be around for years.

I really look forward to accomplishing these goals. I fully believe 2012 will be a wonderful year!

Fast week!

I’ve been feeling contemplative all this week but haven’t yet felt like I could share online. I’m slowly figuring out what is most important to me and reorganize my time around those priorities.

One change I’ve made this week involves my weekly room assignments. I designate one weekday to each room in our house. That’s where I will concentrate my housekeeping efforts on that day, though the entire apartment will get a quick pick up/vacuum almost every day. Fridays are always busy because I’m prepping for the Sabbath, making sure we have church clothes, a meal for Sabbath afternoon, a tidy house, and that all has to be complete by sundown. Come sundown, my work week is over and I’m ready for the Sabbath.

Prior to this week, I would clean the bathroom on Friday. While it’s not labor intensive, it does take time to thoroughly clean the mirrors, sink, toilet, floor, and shower. Cleaning the bathroom, on top of my normal Friday activities, always seemed so hectic. This week, I decided to clean the bathroom on Thursday. Wow! That made a huge difference on how rushed I felt today. I was able to take my time with each chore, cook, clean out the fridge, wash and put away the laundry, and tidy the apartment. It was such a nice change, one that I will definitely be making permanent.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! I’m off to tend to our supper and relax.

Quick update

It’s amazing how fast time flies. This week, we’ve been diving back into our normal routine, my husband concentrating on his work and me trying to shift back into the housework. Once you get out of routine, it’s hard to get back into it!

On Sunday, hubby and I started the P90X fitness program. It’s intense! Workouts are around 60 minutes, 6 days a week. Today was day 6 so we get tomorrow off. On top of that, we’re trying to stay current with our running schedule. We had two 1 mile runs and one 2 mile run this week. The running is scaled back but we’re trying to keep our legs aware of what running is.

On the homemaking front, I’ve been struggling with my emotions a bit this week. I know I’ve been spending way too much time on things that don’t really matter and not enough time on the things that do matter. It’s too easy to spend 30-60 minutes wrapped up in a good book. I have a couple of really addicting games on my tablet. While I do not think these activities are inherently bad, I do feel that there has to be balance. Without it, nothing gets done.

There isn’t much time left before sundown today, for which I am grateful. I’m looking forward to the Sabbath and going to church tomorrow. My homemaking ponderings will have to wait until Sunday. I am planning on sitting down with a cup of tea and my computer and making lists of what I do everyday versus what should be done. I need to get back to a good schedule.

Last Sabbath, I chatted with my grandma in Wyoming. It turns out my grandpa isn’t doing very well and Grandma isn’t sure how much longer he’s going to be with us. My brother, my dad, and myself were planning on taking a trip to Wyoming late next spring but we moved the dates up. Now we’re going to Wyoming for Thanksgiving. This was completely unexpected and has definitely thrown me for a loop. I like knowing WAY in advance when I’m going to travel and I’m not quite prepared to be away from home again, especially when my husband can’t go with me. I’m flying up to Denver, which is where my brother is also flying to, and we’re both getting picked up by my dad, who is driving from Texas. Then we’ll be driving up to Casper for three days. While I’m not prepared to travel again, I am looking forward to seeing my grandparents.

On a much lighter note, I still haven’t made a good pumpkin pie! The one last Friday was bland. I made another this week but something was off with the consistency. It was like eating pudding. I have two more recipes to try but something has to work out! Making pumpkin pie should not be this hard.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I’ll try to get back to regular posting next week, detailing how things are going with my priority lists and schedules.

30 day challenge – get dressed!

I find it interesting how timing works. You see a mention of something specific in an email and then again a day or so later in a blog post. The two information sources are completely unrelated and yet they mention the same specific idea.

First my brother emailed me this video:

Then, I read a post on The Modest Mom about a 30 day Get Dressed! challenge. What a perfect start to the idea of 30 day challenges. I don’t know about you, but being a housewife and not being required to see anyone most days allows me to dress down as much as I want. Fun, yes. Attractive, no. I spend most days in workout clothes or a denim skirt and t-shirt. I’m sure my husband would appreciate it if I looked nicer!

So, my first 30 day challenge – get dressed! Every day. All day. I will wear a skirt and a sweater/blouse, or a dress, and take a few minutes to style my hair. Some days I’ll even put on some lipstick.

Want to join me?

The Get Dressed Challenge!

Sticker Charts – for Homemakers?

It was a crazy idea but I decided to try. Tofugu is my primary resource for learning Japanese. One day, Koichi posted about “Using ‘Jerry Seinfeld’s Secret To Productivity’ To Learn Kanji.” This strategy involves a calendar and a goal. It’s a great idea for learning kanji.

Well, I thought about using this idea for homemaking. Having a clean kitchen is so nice! Unfortunately, most nights I feel lazy and just leave the dishes until breakfast. It’s not fun waking up to a sink full of dirty dishes.

First – I set a goal: to wash, dry, and put away all the dishes before going to bed.
Second – I printed out the nice calendar that Koichi so kindly provided.
Third – I bought a set of really cute stickers from Walmart.
Fourth – I started trying to create a streak!

It’s motivating to see a solid line of stickers! If I skip washing the dishes one night, I have to break the chain. Some nights I’m motivated to do dishes only because I want my sticker. Other nights, I’m motivated simply by having a clean kitchen. My chart currently has a streak of 35 days of clean dishes. Whatever works!

Do you think this method would work for you? How else can it be applied?

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