I thought I’d post another The Simple Woman’s Daybook entry today to mark the beginning of Sabbath.
Outside my window… the light is quickly fading. Cars drive by on our newly paved road.
I am thinking… how nice it is that my hubby doesn’t have to worry about work for another 24 hours.
I am thankful for… the Sabbath. We’re going to try to make it to church tomorrow, provided we don’t sleep through it! This has been a terrible week for sleep.
From the kitchen… a new pumpkin bread recipe is baking in the oven. Freshly ground cinnamon and nutmeg smells really good!
I am wearing… workout clothes from a walk we took earlier this afternoon.
I am creating… a peaceful atmosphere in our home with a clean house, nice music, and pumpkin bread in the oven.
I am going… to make dinner shortly.
I am reading… nothing at the moment. I just finished a book and haven’t decided what I’m going to start next.
I am hoping… that Sabbath will be restful.
I am hearing… “Let My Words be Few” by Phillips, Craig, and Dean.
Around the house… is clean and relaxed.
One of my favorite things… knowing we’re going to have a nice treat for dessert.
A few plans for the rest of the week… Church tomorrow and a day of relaxation. Nothing specific, though.
A picture thought
Today’s sunset wasn’t quite this pretty, but this is the view from our patio window. I love enjoying the sunsets!
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God Bless You 🙂
I enjoy reading your daybook entries. They are brief, yet one can still capture the thoughts and activities that you do around your home. Being bief isn't my strong point, for unfortunately, I am too wordy.
By the way, I received the card with the precious kitty cat on the front. Thank you SO much for thinking about me! I loved your card SO much that I blogged about it in my current post. 🙂 When you have a chance, you might want to take a look! 🙂
-Lady Rose
Nice blog! I hope you could take a look at my blog as well… http://shopandtraveltips.blogspot.com