August Goals

I’ve been thinking a lot about the goals I want to achieve in August. I’m almost afraid to write any. My girls go back to school on August 31st so the month of August is almost entirely summer vacation. We are slowly developing some better boundaries so that I’m able to get a few things done even though they are home all day. We do spend a lot of time together but mama still has work to do even if they aren’t in school!

I think my number one priority is exercise. My husband and I have been walking together every single day. The girls won’t come. They are invited but would rather stay home so we are finally getting daily alone time. It’s been a massive blessing this summer and is way more than I even dreamed of. Prior to this, the girls wouldn’t leave us alone in the same room. But if they have to choose between leaving us unsupervised and exercise, they’ll pick leaving us unsupervised. It’s wonderful!

After we get paid, I want to register for my first WA 5k. I should have registered several months ago when I first picked out the race but I was afraid to commit. What if things got explosive again in our home? What if something happened that sapped all of my emotional energy and left me without motivation to run? What if I can’t train to run the entire distance before September arrives? Well, I decided to register anyway. FlyLady keeps reminding me that perfectionism is detrimental in all aspects of life.. I don’t have to run the entire 5k. I don’t have to break my previous 5k record. I just have to show up and try. Just try.

So I think that continuing exercise, both for my health and to embrace the alone time with my husband, is my only real August goal. Other than that, I will keep working toward decluttering my closet, getting organized, and finding additional meals that my entire family will eat. But other than the exercise with its tangible goal of training for the 5k, I’m just going to do whatever I can. I am just going to show up and try.

5 Thoughts on “August Goals

  1. Jim R on August 2, 2017 at 3:59 am said:

    Seems a reasonable goal to me. It’s rough to do much out of the house on a regular basis with kids around. I rejoined a gym… but haven’t been in weeks.

  2. Just show up and try is good advice!
    I’m happy you are getting some relief honey.

  3. Sounds like a good plan, and Yay! for alone time. Glad things are settling down.

  4. Bridgit Mitchell on August 2, 2017 at 6:35 pm said:

    Alone time walking with your husband. You are on to something good there Cassandra!

  5. Margaret Stedman on October 10, 2017 at 12:16 am said:

    Hope you are all OK – it has been a long time since August and I wonder how you are?

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