
I was honored today to accompany my hubby on some of his work appointments. He had to drive to three different locations around the city and drop off some equipment. It was nice spending time together in the car, just talking, no distractions.

There are a few other thoughts floating around but I don’t feel prepared to put them on paper. I think I’ll go take a cold bath to cool down. Even with the AC running occasionally, it’s still hot!

Goings on

Hubby’s working today so I’m at home by myself. It’s so quiet when it’s just me here! I can tell the cats are hot during the day because they sleep on the tile for hours at a time. I’m hot too but it’s not too bad.

So far today I’ve washed the dishes, cleaned off the kitchen counters, picked up the living room, washed a load of laundry, vacuumed the apartment, and opened yesterday’s mail. I don’t think I’m going to tackle any additional housework today except cleaning out the catbox before hubby comes home.

Yesterday, we visited the Sunflower Farmers Market. They have some great sale prices! We brought home some apricots, nectarines, apples, tomatoes, lettuce, and bell peppers. We also found that Sunflower carries the entire line of Simply Asia products. We used to buy them at Sprouts but they have since stopped carrying them and Walmart only carries two varieties. Sunflower had them on sale plus each box had a coupon for saving a dollar instantly. We bought four boxes! My favorite variety is the Soy Ginger noodles, though that may change once I try the new flavors.

I’m plowing through my library books. Between hubby and I, we currently have 48 books checked out. The library allows 50 books per library card (we have two), so we could bring more home but I would never be able to finish everything. Sometime this week I’m going to post about a couple of the books that I thought were exceptional.

My brother and I are making plans for my mother’s 50th birthday. That’s all I can say, just in case my mom happens to read my blog between now and this weekend. 50 years old! I can’t believe my mother is going to be 50 next week…

MIA but with good reason

Forgive me for being MIA. I’ve been a bit distracted over here.

Hubby might, just might, be receiving a job offer tomorrow. We are really praying that the offer will come through. So far, all signs are positive and this is the most solid lead we’ve had yet. Oh, I so hope hubby will soon be working again!

Flight status

Delta has made my evening so much more enjoyable!

On Sunday, I could only track my hubby’s flight status through the estimated time of arrival (he flew US Airways). Tonight, however, I can see where he is! I can refresh the page and it will show me approximately where the plane is, how much more time they have in-flight, and the estimated time of arrival.

Delta was brilliant to include this information on their website for excited wives such as I. Now I just have to figure out what I’m going to wear to the airport…

Another interview

I went to another interview today. This one went way better than my last. I’ll hear back on Monday or Tuesday.

Hubby flies out on Sunday to take care of his court stuff. He’ll be back late Tuesday night. I’m nervous about being home by myself for three days but excited. I have some surprises planned for him. Unfortunately, I can’t post about them as he reads my blog. 😉

I ran for 25 minutes yesterday without stopping! I was so excited when I finished. The running exhausted me but it was really satisfying to know I had successfully completed week 6 of my program. Three more weeks and I should be able to consistently run 30 minutes with no stopping! My first goal is to finish two miles in less than 30 minutes. I’m a turtle. I think I can walk faster than I can run.

We have Bible study tonight. I’m so excited. It’s been several months since we’ve met for Bible study and I can’t wait. Not sure yet what we’ll be studying, but that’s ok. It will be nice just to get together and read from the Bible.


Hubby had an interview today that lasted two and a half hours long. The recruiter loved him! This was a face to face with the recruiter who kept hubby on the phone last week for an hour and a half. Hubby is one of two candidates being submitted for this particular job. The recruiter says he likes hubby better than the other candidate and will be recommending him specifically to the client. We’re looking forward to finding out if Jeff gets a job offer!

Also, hubby has been talking to a consultant about some contract work. Supposedly, if the contract work goes well, hubby will be getting a job offer from this company. We don’t know yet if that will happen, but hubby has been assigned a 5 day contract starting next week. We’re extremely excited about this as his paycheck will be quite a bit more than the unemployment check for that week. The state will keep their money if Jeff makes more at a contract job.

Nothing too exciting going on with my job search. The one job I really wanted was already filled. It was working as an office manager at a camp in a small town in northern Arizona. Hubby and I would be working together to run the front office and the computer systems. That would have been amazing because room and board was included, we would have been living in a cabin, and had access to all the outdoor activity we could possibly dream of! Oh, well. I guess God didn’t want us to leave town just yet.

Shiny sink!

My sink is shiny! I washed, dried, and put away dishes after all three meals today. It was so nice having a clean kitchen. I also hung a picture of my brother and I, hammered a couple nails to hang keys right inside our front door, threw away some junk that had been sitting on the counter for months, and ran two loads of laundry.

I sold my wedding dress this afternoon. I didn’t really want to, but we need the money. Also, it was just hanging in our spare bedroom closet taking up valuable space. I have wedding photos so I decided it was time to let go. The additional money will also help.

Hubby and I walked over to Walgreen’s this morning and picked up our free Redbox rental. We watched Tales of Despereaux. It felt like an attempt to analyze social class differences. Hubby and I discussed many aspects of the movie, but it fell short. Too bad. It’s hard to find quality, clean movies these days.

On the way back from Walgreen’s, we stopped by Fry’s and picked up some more bananas and strawberries. The bananas aren’t ripe but I’m looking forward to strawberries tomorrow!

Stress – how much more can we handle?

I haven’t posted in a few days. I’ve been really stressed and haven’t felt like posting just to complain. Hubby and I are pretty much out of money. We have enough money for April’s rent plus a student loan payment, but that’s it. A few bills might not get paid next month or will only receive partial payments.

Thankfully, one of our friends from church has pitched in to provide groceries. She brought us a few bags of groceries and gave us a Walmart gift card to buy more food as needed. A coworker of hers also gave us a gift card anonymously. The friend has lifted us up in prayer at work and another coworker today gave us $100. Every time I think about people’s generosity, I want to cry. It’s very humbling to admit you need help and it feels humiliating at times.

I’ve revised and polished my resume and am working on a cover letter. Hubby and I have agreed that I will start searching for a job. Even part time would really help out. My contract work is sporadic and I welcome it when it arrives, but I’m earning less than $100 per month. Neither of us want me to work, but we’re not sure what else to do. We’re praying about it, though, wanting to do what the Lord wills. If He wants me to get a job, then He’ll provide. If He doesn’t want me to get a job, then hopefully Jeff will receive an offer soon.

Also, an old car accident from 2003 has reared it’s ugly head. We thought that was resolved, an accident Jeff was involved in before we met. Unfortunately, the insurance company is trying to collect damages from Jeff and is suing us for $9300. Long story, but we’re looking for a lawyer who will sit down for a consultation and let us know what the best course of action is. We can’t afford to pay the debt now, but we’re willing to make payments after we’re employed.

Please pray for us. I thought I couldn’t handle much more, but the stress and pressure keeps mounting. God isn’t going to give me more than I can handle, so He must have a high opinion of my threshhold for stress. 🙂 There are a few moments of hope in this experience, like the free food and the monetary gifts, the support from friends and all the prayers. God will take care of us and we should have an amazing testimony to share after this is over. I just hope I can continue to remember all the good when the stress has me overwhelmed.

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it…

Sometimes I struggle with feeling inadequate, unlovable, and worthless. I know that God loves me unconditionally, regardless of my sins and my shortcomings. However, I have a hard time comprehending what that feels like.

My husband portrays God’s love in action. For almost four years now, he has loved me, supported me, and been my protector. No matter what happens, no matter how I act or feel, he loves me. I’ve never experienced that kind of unconditional love. Jeff doesn’t have to love me but he chooses to. Today I experienced that love in the most clear way yet. And for that, my heart has overflowed with love for him.

Thank you, Jesus, for giving my husband to me. Thank you that he loves me like You love me. Thank you so much. I think I finally understand what real love is.