18 months

Today marks 18 months since we officially started our adoption journey. I feel like so much has happened and yet I feel like, in some ways, we have made no progress at all. My husband and I talked about this tonight and agree that we have made progress but it sure doesn’t feel like it! We have an up to date home study, approval from the US government to adopt a foreign born orphan, and approval from a Taiwan agency to be matched with one of their children. It’s progress, but not much.

Hopefully we hear an update soon on the meeting with Cin-Ru so we know if this adoption attempt is going forward. I hope and pray that we will have a daughter home sometime in 2015!

Fun with a new Advent calendar

We found out that the social worker is meeting with Cin-Ru next week! Our coordinator has requested a report as soon as possible, as she’s going on vacation at the end of next week. We’re hoping to find out what Cin-Ru thinks about our family and about us adopting her. Hopefully it is good news!

We bought a Hello Kitty advent calendar to count down to Christmas. It’s so cute! We’ll share photos of it with Cin-Ru in one of our later care packages. I sure hope she likes Hello Kitty. They make such fun clothes!

December’s goals – week one

I have two goals this month – to clean my house from top to bottom and to make significant progress in my Chinese class.

Cleaning – I’m not doing too bad but I need to pick up the pace. There have been several days of adoption excitement and that took precedence over my cleaning. I did declutter several areas last week but there is lots more to do. Tomorrow I’ll be tackling my upstairs bathroom.

Chinese – This is where all of my progress lies. Last week I completed just under six solid hours of studying, plus about two hours of listening practice by watching Taiwanese television shows. I finished three lessons from YoyoChinese, which meets my goal requirements. I’ve already studied an hour today and might squeeze in a bit more before bed. With the adoption process moving forward, I need to keep studying. I don’t want to be in Taiwan wishing that I had learned more!

In adoption news, our photo album was mailed off today. We sent a photo album, a stuffed animal, and a small interlocking hearts necklace. Hopefully she likes everything! I can’t wait to hear back the report from the social worker’s visit with her later this month.


We received our pre-approval today!! I’m so excited!!

I printed the photos at Walgreens and picked them up today. This weekend I have to finish assembling the photo album and we’ll be mailing out the care package on Monday morning. It will be forwarded to Taiwan immediately because the social worker will be visiting with her the third week of December to show her our photos!

Over the next few weeks, I will be praying that her heart is prepared for a family. The social worker reports that she wants a family; hopefully she will want OUR family to be her family!

One last photo shoot

We finally got our Christmas tree! This is my first Christmas tree since I was a teenager. We bought a real one so our house smells divine. I just have to remember to water it every day!

Tonight we took a couple more photos to finish up Jenny’s album. I still have to print the photos and put them in the album, but all the photos have been taken. The present in the photo is for her after she comes home. The fox is going in the care package. Hopefully we receive pre-approval soon so that we can send it to her!

Fun stuff!

Our agency expects that we will receive pre-approval to adopt Jenny sometime in December. If that is God’s will for us, we are hoping that it will happen very soon! Once we receive pre-approval, we are allowed to send Jenny her first care package. In preparation, we ordered a photo album from Amazon this weekend.

We can record a 10 second message so that she’ll be able to hear our voice while looking at our photos.

I love that there is space provided next to each photo to write a description.

And there’s even a page to write an inscription to her.

We have to take a few new photos, primarily of her bedroom, before printing all the photos and filling out the descriptions. The care package is almost ready to go and I can’t wait until we receive the word that we’re ok to mail it off! I hope she enjoys this album!

Waiting for God’s promises

I haven’t meant to ignore my blog but I also haven’t felt up to posting. I still feel like I’m trying to get my feet back under me after having our first adoption process cancelled and my grandfather dying. I’ve been plugging away every day, trying to find joy again.

Yesterday I was praying that God would make His will known in our family, if we are supposed to keep trying to adopt. I’m frustrated that we’ve been working on adoption paperwork for almost a year and a half and still don’t have a child. I thought I had heard God’s voice clearly last year that adoption is the path He laid out for our family.

Well, I picked up my Bible and started reading where I last left off. The very first story I read was about Abraham and how God promised Abraham “I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you” (Genesis 17:6). Abraham had to wait for years to see God’s promise fulfilled. Years! God didn’t promise Abraham and then immediately open Sarah’s womb. No, Abraham had to wait for 14 long years to see the fulfillment of God’s promise of children.

To be truthful, the story is both encouraging and discouraging. It’s discouraging because Abraham and Sarah had to wait so long for Isaac to be born. But it’s also encouraging because God promised them children and did give them children. Granted, it wasn’t in their timing. Both tried to find ways to force God’s promise to come about. But God eventually did grant them a child. He followed through.

I do believe that God intends for us to adopt. I am trying to hold fast to my faith and pray that God will bring it to pass. I hope that I don’t have to wait years and years like Abraham did. But I will try to have faith that God’s way is ALWAYS best, even when I don’t understand.

Book review – with a giveaway!

I’m so excited that I get to post a book review that includes a giveaway! Adams Group contacted me about reviewing the book Life Not Typical: How Special Needs Parenting Changed My Faith and My Song by Jennifer Shaw.

When I read the description, I knew this was a book I needed to read. Life Not Typical is a memoir about a parent who discovers that her son Toby has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Toby refused to walk on grass, screamed when he got wet, and hated the wind. Even though people told her that he would grow out of it, Jennifer fought to figure out exactly what was going on with her son. When he was diagnosed with SPD, he was able to get the therapy he needed and his life was changed.

Jennifer and I are different in that Toby is her biological son and we are adopting internationally. However, I still felt this book would be extremely beneficial to read. In international adoption, SPD is rarely diagnosed and listed in a child’s adoption file but is often diagnosed after the children come home. I have read blog posts where parents talk about their children having SPD but didn’t know much about it until I read Life Not Typical.

The book does deliver on both aspects of the subtitle. It talks about special needs parenting, what it’s like to have a child who is challenged with sensory issues, how therapy worked for their family, and about how Toby was able to improve over time. Jennifer also talks about her music ministry, how God worked through both her music and her parenting to increase her faith in His guidance and care. I thought the book was a great overview of both SPD and how God builds our faith through life’s trials. I do wish the book was longer, that it had covered both topics in more depth, but I thought it was a great overview.

Adams Group is offering a copy of the book to someone who reads my blog. Just leave me a comment and I will draw a winner on Tuesday (Nov. 11). Please make sure I have a way to contact you. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did!

Surprise updates!

I was surprised this morning with an email from our agency. A five page update on the girl we’re applying to adopt! It took less than a week for them to send us the update. And it even included two fairly recent photos.

I wish I could share more but don’t feel comfortable doing so because we’re not formally matched with her. As soon as we receive our pre-approval, I will be sharing her photo! She’s beautiful.