Skype call #5

I can’t believe we’ve already had five Skype calls. I treasure each and every one of them, though some have gone better than others. Friday night’s call was the best one yet!

We had technical difficulties on Taiwan’s side; the audio wasn’t working so they couldn’t hear us and we couldn’t hear them. This actually worked out in our favor, as our girl was SO much more relaxed without the pressure of having to listen to a bunch of English and try to understand what is going on. Instead, we chatted with the translator in the chat window and tried to entertain our girl with facial expressions and miming and showing off various things we’ve prepared for her. Surprisingly, it went really well.

Friday afternoon, I baked up a batch of sugar cookies. During the call, Jeff and I made a big deal of spreading frosting on each cookie and then decorating the cookies with icing.

Note – Don’t buy this icing. It was too watery and ran down the cookies when we tried to show her. Even when we let them sit a few minutes before picking them up, it did the same thing.

She seemed to get a kick out of this so we told her that we can decorate cookies once we come home from Taiwan.

Our girly-girl found Skype’s chat window emoticons about half way through the call so the translator let her pick the emoticons to send. She loved doing this, sending us “stickers” as they called them and seeing which ones we sent back. This conversation took place toward the end of the call:

I about died laughing. We’ll see if the audio works on the next call! Personally, seeing how relaxed Cin-Ru was without the audio, I’d rather it doesn’t work. We have one more Skype call scheduled this upcoming Friday, right before her birthday. Her birthday package will definitely be in Taiwan in time for the call and we’ll bake her a cake and sing happy birthday. I can’t wait!

Three more months

Yesterday we found out that our paperwork should be submitted to the court system by the end of next week. We also found out that our care package has already been shipped to Taiwan. We are asking that the Taiwan agency hold the care package until our Skype call on the 24th because that is the closest Skype date to our girl’s birthday.

It finally hit me that is really happening. So much of the adoption process is a matter of paperwork. You know that there is a flesh and blood child on the other side of the world but all you deal with is paperwork and appointments and writing checks. But all of a sudden I had a realization that we are about to step into the unknown. I have been guarding my heart, afraid that this adoption will fall through like the last adoption attempt. Once our paperwork is submitted to court, we’ll be further along in the process than we’ve ever been. Yes, the judge can still say no but that is highly unlikely.

Our agency told us yesterday that we will probably travel in late July or early August. Cue panic. Only three more months of us being a couple with no children. We’ve been married for 9.5 years and are very set in our ways. Only three more months and we will be responsible for another human being. But only three more months and we will be able to meet Cin-Ru in person and start loving her. Only three more months until we will have a daughter and our girl will have a mother and father. Panic mingles with joy. Only three more months.

Another step forward

This morning we found out that the mayor has finally signed our adoption agreement. I couldn’t help but rejoice and say a prayer of thanksgiving because we have been praying for that signature for two months. Our paperwork is now ready to be submitted to court.

Of course, even as I know I am potentially setting myself up for disappointment, I had to go look at other families’ timelines once they reach this point in the adoption process. Some families traveled about three months after their paperwork was submitted. Others had to wait six or more months. To be honest, so much is dependent on which judge handles our adoption and if he/she feels the paperwork is complete. I hope for a quick court process so that we can bring our girl HOME. I can’t wait until I can finally call her my daughter.

Yesterday we mailed off Cin-Ru’s birthday present and were told it will definitely reach Taiwan in time for our Skype call on the 24th.

I can’t wait to see her open her present. Dear one, we’re coming for you as soon as we can!

Music thoughts

The only trouble with having two months to put together a birthday care package is that I end up taking the entire two months to finish it! We picked out gifts, changed our minds, and replaced pieces of it. Multiple times. But we really need to get this into the mail so we’re calling it quits and making a final decision. My love language is gifts and I am thrilled to have a child to buy presents for. Each piece of this care package is important to me in some way, which is why I had such a hard time deciding which gifts to include and which to save for later.

On an earlier Skype call, we asked Cin-Ru what she wants for her birthday. She wasn’t sure, but asked for some music. Then a few minutes later she whispered to the director that she would like a USB speaker. We had never heard of such a thing but searched Amazon and found the perfect gift (in her favorite color!).

We also bought a small USB and loaded it up with music in both English and Chinese. Here are the English titles I chose, after many hours of deliberation:

Gold by Britt Nicole
I Am by Crowder
Beautiful by Jaime Grace
Compass by Jonathan Thulin
Overcomer by Mandisa
Day One by Matthew West
Speak Life by TobyMac
Good Fight by Unspoken
Testify to Love by Avalon
Luv is a Verb by dc Talk

I chose some of these songs because I thought Cin-Ru would like the style of music (Compass, I Am, Luv is a Verb). But I picked most of them because I hope the lyrics will encourage her.

You’re one in a million, this, this is for all the girls
Boys all over the world
Whatever you been told
You’re worth more than gold
So hold your head up high
It’s your time to shine
From the inside out it shows
You’re worth more than gold

Day One
It’s day one of the rest of my life
It’s day one of the best of my life
I’m marching on to the beat of a brand new drum
Yeah, here I come
The future has begun
Day one

You’re an overcomer
Stay in the fight ‘til the final round
You’re not going under
‘Cause God is holding you right now
You might be down for a moment
Feeling like it’s hopeless
That’s when He reminds You
That you’re an overcomer
You’re an overcomer

Good Fight
Keep fighting the good fight (Never give up, never give up)
Keep letting your light shine (Holding it high as long as you live)
‘Cause I’m never gonna leave you
Always gonna see you through to the other side
Keep fighting the good fight, fighting the good, fighting the good fight, good fight

We are also sending her the soundtrack to the very first Taiwanese television show we watched, which happens to be about basketball! Cin-Ru is a huge basketball fan and so I am greatly amused that my first and favorite Taiwan show is about one of my future daughter’s favorite activities. I found the soundtrack on Amazon and it’s all in Chinese so I hope she enjoys it. If she hasn’t seen the show already, we’ll watch it with her once she’s home. Jeff says she probably hasn’t seen it because it aired when she was only five years old. I’m feeling old…

Skype call #4

I can’t believe we’ve already had four Skype calls with our girl. Each one is awkward and amazing. When we first start the call, everyone is nervous and doesn’t know what to say. As the call progresses, my husband and I and the translator loosen up a bit but Cin-Ru remains nervous throughout. It does seem that she is warming up to us with each call, though. I am glad to see that progression.

The best thing about this call was learning that Cin-Ru likes sushi and stays up past her bedtime reading. One, Jeff and I love sushi and make it at home regularly. Two, my girl is a reader! For someone who visits the library regularly, that is blessed news. I know a lot of parents discourage their children from staying up late reading, but I think it’s a good sign. As a child I spent many nights curled up under my blankets with a book and a flashlight. To hear that my future daughter is similar to me in that regard warms my heart.

Our next Skype call is in three weeks. Hopefully by that time we have some adoption movement. The local mayor still has not signed our paperwork (as far as we know) so we cannot yet be submitted to court. I have to remind myself daily to have patience, that there is no point in stressing over something I cannot control. I just want to bring my daughter home and it’s frustrating to feel like we are making no progress. Hopefully soon.

Skype and hotpot

I wrote this last week but didn’t get to share it with Cin-Ru on our Skype call. Instead, I’ll share it with her tomorrow. I’m trying to show her that I am making a genuine effort to learn Chinese. My Chinese skills might be incredibly basic, but I keep plugging away at it.

上個星期,我們去了一家中國餐廳. 在那裡我們吃了火鍋. 我們都非常喜歡! 我喜歡那裡的蘑菇和豆腐. 而爸爸喜歡蘑菇和土豆. 我們想和你一起在那裡吃飯.

“Last week, we went as a family to a Chinese restaurant. There, we ate hotpot. We both really liked it! I like the mushrooms and tofu. And baba also likes mushrooms and potato. We want to eat there with you.”

I can’t believe we already have another Skype call. I am so grateful because I miss her already. I can’t wait to spend time with her in person and truly get to know her. Skyping is hard, but I’m glad that we have the opportunity to talk with her while we wait for the court process.

Skype call #3

We had our third Skype call on Friday evening. This one lasted 40 minutes. Our girl is slowly becoming more comfortable with us. When discussing our trip to Taiwan with the translator, our girl seemed very accepting of us coming to Taiwan to spend time with her. We haven’t yet discussed anything about life in America, though I’m sure that will come in time.

Several things tell me that she’s going to fit into our family well. First, she loves food! Both Jeff and I love to try new foods and it sounds like Cin-Ru is a pretty good eater. She even bought stinky tofu with her own money. Second, she prefers cooler weather. Of course, cooler weather in Taiwan is 80 degrees. Third, she seems to like going out and visiting parks and museums. Jeff and I stay home a lot but we also love to explore.

Our next Skype call is in six days! The only downside to multiple Skype calls is that each one makes me more impatient to travel to Taiwan. I want to start showing our girl just how much we already care about her. I want us to start working toward being a family. These Skype calls help her to feel more comfortable with us and we are succeeding at that. But I want to get to know her in person. Hopefully soon.

Now if we can just get the mayor to sign our adoption agreement…

Tiny updates

I don’t know how I manage to let an entire week go by without posting. It’s probably because nothing major happened and I don’t want to bore my few readers with stories that aren’t interesting to anyone but me. 🙂

This week we had a tiny, tiny bit of movement on the US side of our adoption. Our USCIS clearance expires this summer, the one that says that we are eligible to adopt internationally. Our agency sent us some paperwork to apply for our one free extension so we signed it and mailed it right back. This will generate a new fingerprinting appointment so that the government can verify we haven’t committed a crime since our last fingerprinting clearance. Too bad they won’t just take my word for it! It would save us all a lot of time.

We also received an update from Taiwan. Our girlie has voluntarily asked when our next Skype call will be! That is a very positive sign. We will be Skyping with her exactly one week from now. We have already started prepping for the call. On the last call, she read us something she had written in Chinese. For this call, I am going to write a paragraph in Chinese and read it to her. We are going out for hot pot this week so I will write about that experience. Hopefully she is able to see that I am trying very hard to be able to communicate with her!

Also, the t-shirt arrived that we will be sending for her birthday next month. I hope she likes it!

Dossier arrival

Our dossier has officially made it to Taiwan. I am so excited and hope that we hear soon that the mayor has signed off on our paperwork. Then we go to court!

This adoption process is moving quicker than our last adoption attempt. I try to remind myself of that when I get frustrated that we’ve now been working on adoption for almost two years and still don’t have a child. The process takes so long. A parent reminded me that it’s important to take time for ourselves now and not get so caught up in the adoption that we forget to live. It’s good advise but so hard to implement.

We’re going to church tomorrow and I have a few sponsorship letters to write. And hopefully I’ll make some good knitting progress this weekend! I hope everyone has a good weekend!

With all my love

Cin-Ru’s hat is finished and ready to go.

I love this pattern and am seriously considering knitting myself one in purple. That way we have matching hats! We are going to send it in her birthday care package in April. Yes, I know April in Taiwan is not winter hat weather. But I still hope she’ll appreciate the gesture that her future mom knit her something special.

Next up – socks!