I feel like my minimalism attempts have slowed down.
- The store didn’t have the light bulbs I need.
- I need someone’s address to return something I borrowed. They haven’t responded to several texts.
- I’m struggling to make decisions about my clothing.
And yet I am making a lot of progress.


- I finally let go of the half-finished quilt.
- My Christmas package for my mom is almost finished, which moves several items out of my closet.
- I have given away four shirts I never wear.
And as I maintain motivation to work on my room, I find motivation to make a few quick decisions in the rest of the house. For example, I finally threw out the ketchup packets in the fridge; we don’t buy that brand (HFCS) and will probably never use it. I’m also noticing a lot of areas that need work. I have a ton of recyclable water filters under my kitchen sink. They need returned to the manufacturer (postage paid!).
In the meantime, I’ve watched a few YouTubers who are documenting their journey to minimalism. Very inspiring!
Items decluttered (to-date) – 27